Why I do it.

Those with terminal diagnoses do not have time, energy, or “good days” to not get results quickly.

One of my prior sits was a recurrent stage 4 breast cancer patient, eventually going into hospice after exhausting her last chemotherapy line.  During our intake, she relayed to me the story of her metaphoric “spoons”.  This was the reason that provided the drive behind starting Psychedelic Nurse.

You start out the day with a fixed amount of spoons.  Let’s say four. 

One spoon goes towards getting dressed in the morning.

Another towards bathing and toileting.  

After one more spoon goes towards meal preparation, you have this left to do everything else.

How are you going to spend that one spoon?  Would you rather be present with the one you love most?  Writing your book?  Leafing through old photo albums and reminiscing about your life?

The answers I've heard have never included "floundering at a local weed shop" or "having my family manage a potentially bad trip because I'm taking LSD (or psilocybin, cannabis, or other psychedelics) for the first time".

I take pride in my ability to leave as little detrimental impact on your energy level as possible. Please allow me to put my almost two decades-long career in being present with the infirmed, dying, and their families to work for you and your journey.

Why would you choose us?

People usually find me because they want a sitter with varied medical expertise and familiarity with these substances - both personally and professionally. Miscellaneous reasons my sits have chosen me to be with them during their psychedelic and entheogenic journeys include:

(*incurs an additional fee)